Creativity Awaits: Bring The Beauty and Creativity of Classical Art into your Homeschool!
Do you want to introduce your children to the beauty and richness of art without it feeling like another task to check off your list?
Many homeschool moms struggle to find a balance between structured art education and allowing their children to freely express their creativity.
You want your kids to develop an appreciation for great art while also discovering their own unique artistic talents, but where do you start?

Without the right approach, art can become another dull subject. Traditional methods often emphasize rigid techniques or a paint-by-numbers mindset that leaves little room for self-expression. But art should spark curiosity and bring joy, not stifle creativity! Your children deserve more than just coloring pages and craft projects—they need meaningful exposure to art that excites them and gives them the tools to explore their imaginations.
What Makes Our Art Classes So Special?
Our online art classes, designed specifically for upper elementary homeschoolers, are the perfect blend of Charlotte Mason’s picture study approach and hands-on mixed media exploration. Through these 8 video lessons per artist, your child will not only engage with classic works of art but also learn how to express themselves creatively in a variety of mediums—whether that’s drawing, painting, collage, or more!

Cycle 1 Art Classes Bundle
Here’s what you get with our online Art Classes:
- 8 pre-recorded lessons- work when it's best for your family!
- Artist background information and picture study lessons that tie into the historical time period.
- Lessons will focus on drawing techniques, painting, sculpture and mixed medium.
- Classes will be geared towards upper elementary, but are great to do together as a family.
Enroll Now and give your homeschool art program a fresh start with classes that will inspire your child's creativity, deepen their appreciation of art, and offer them a well-rounded, life-giving education. Let's make art the highlight of your homeschool week!
Why our online art classes?

Picture Study:
We'll guide your child through studying famous works of art, fostering a deep connection and understanding of the artist's intention and style.

Creative Expression:
We'll guide your child through studying famous works of art, fostering a deep connection and understanding of the artist's intention and style.

Flexible and Engaging:
Our online format allows for learning at your own pace, while our live class discussions provide a sense of community and feedback.
Excited to start this art adventure with your kids? Here’s how you can get started:
1. Select one artist or entire year bundle
2. Get the supplies and log into your online class portal.
Ready to bring more creativity and connection to your homeschool art?
Try a sample class HERE!
Heather Ratcliff
“It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.” Picasso
About the teacher: Heather Ratcliff is a native of sunny South Carolina. As a child she always loved drawing and doodling and one long, hot boring summer, her mom signed her up for art lessons. That summer, a lifetime love of art was born in her little heart while painting in a tiny art studio that smelled like citrus turpentine. She painted her first oil painting at age 8 and then proceeded to fill the walls of her home with watercolor paintings, charcoal drawings, acrylic paintings, woodcuts, and photography all the way from elementary school through grad school. Her supportive mom and dad framed artwork as fast as she could produce it and a lot of it is still hanging on the walls of their home to this very day. (Never underestimate the lifelong empowerment of a supportive parent!) After majoring in English and Minoring in Art at Presbyterian College, she opened an art studio for kids in Irmo SC called Outside the Lines. Her first few students were homeschoolers, and then for for many years, it was a fun and successful creative outlet for hundreds of young artists from every walk of life. Her studio was awarded “Best Children’s Art Studio in Columbia” by readers of the Free Times and was featured in an article in a local magazine. After pursuing a Masters of Arts in Teaching from the Art Education Department of the University of South Carolina, Heather taught art at a variety of public schools, private schools, and homeschool hybrids.
Currently she teaches online English to Chinese students and offers fun art experiences hither and thither wherever there may be a need for some fun and creativity. She and her husband live out in the country along with their three teenage children – all of whom have a distinctive creative bent and somehow have each survived being homeschooled so far. When she’s not being artsy, you can find Heather kayaking with her husband or napping with her beloved, lazy basset hound.
Don't want to purchase the whole cycle? Try our individual classes!
Cycle 1 Individual Classes
Cycle 2 Individual Classes
Cycle 3 Individual Classes