Harness the Power of Habits to Create A Pleasant Home

coaching parenting the feast life podcast Jan 22, 2024
The Feast Life
Harness the Power of Habits to Create A Pleasant Home


Join Jenna Elliott and Julie Ross in a fascinating discussion on the power of habits, as they explore Charlotte Mason's profound insights and practical tips to transform your family's dynamics and create a more pleasant homeschooling experience.


A little bit about our guest, Jenna Elliott: 

Jenna Elliott and her family decided to leave city life behind, disrupting their routine to discover what God had in store for them homesteading in northeast Tennessee. She fills her days by homeschooling their four children, teaching at a local CM cottage school, reading great books, and learning how to raise cows and chickens. She credits Charlotte Mason for inspiring her to adopt a new approach to developing good habits, both for herself and her family. She enjoys researching and speaking on topics that challenge her assumptions and encourages fresh perspectives. She is passionate about helping women in their journey to nurture pleasant children and cultivate a peaceful home. Along with her husband, Jenna shares what they are learning on a wide variety of topics, including culture, education, technology, food, and faith, on their podcast, 'Made to Wonder'. To learn more, visit www.madetowonder.com


In this enlightening episode, Jenna Elliott and Julie Ross delve into Charlotte Mason's philosophy on habit training, emphasizing the significance of habits in shaping a child's character. They delve into tips on reducing friction in habit formation, the role of habit in shaping a child's character and making a pleasant homeschool environment. They emphasize the necessity of consistency, creativity, and above all, grace for oneself in this journey. Jenna also shares how Charlotte Mason's perspective on habit training influenced her approach and transformed her homeschooling experience.


After listening to this episode, you will : 

  • Understand the foundational principles of habit training in Charlotte Mason's philosophy.
  • Gain insights into practical strategies for building habits like attention and obedience.
  • Discover the long-term impact of habit training on family dynamics and character development.

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Today’s episode is sponsored by the award winning Charlotte Mason curriculum A Gentle Feast. Get started with smooth and easy days at https://www.agentlefeast.com.


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Books referenced in this episode: 

Hints on Child Training by Henry Clay Trumbull

Habits by Charlotte Mason


Where to find Jenna’s podcast: 

Made to Wonder Podcast at www.madetowonder.com/share

Access Jenna’s talk on habits for the 2024 ADE at HOME Conference

Friday and Saturday, February 2 and 3, 2024. 


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