Supercharge Your Homeschool with Nourishing Routines

homeschooling the feast life podcast Mar 05, 2024
The Feast Life
Supercharge Your Homeschool with Nourishing Routines


Welcome to the Feast Life where we empower you, the modern homeschool mom, to create a life and homeschool practice that you love. In this community, we believe in building homeschooling strategies around faith, family, freedom, and fun. As your host, Julie Ross, I am here to share some practices that have transformed my own homeschool experience. 


The Power of Atmosphere:

It's no secret that creating a nourishing rhythm in your homeschool not only empowers your children's education but also nurtures a healthy atmosphere in your home. Charlotte Mason once said, "Life should be all living, not a mere tedious passing of time." Here, we strive to savor the feast of life, making every homeschooling day a cherished part of that feast. 

In my 20 plus years of homeschooling, I have experimented with various strategies and techniques. Some worked, others didn’t. As an educator and a life coach, I have come to understand that the atmosphere we create in our homeschooling carries a lot of weight. 


The Role of Atmosphere:

The atmosphere is like the air in our house. It is often nebulous and sometimes unseen. It affects the educational environment and defines the tone of every learning experience. A home where everything is kept in pristine order might feel very tense and exacting. Yet, on the other hand, a lively home filled with constant chatter and activity might provide a warm and welcoming environment.

The atmosphere of our homeschool goes beyond the setting. This atmosphere is an extension of us as teachers, it emanates from who we are as parents. The atmosphere we create will have a significant lasting effect on our children. When we think about atmosphere, we think about how it feels to be in your home, your family, and your homeschool. 


Laying the Foundation: 

One of the habits that have helped me create a nurturing homeschooling atmosphere is starting each day at a set wake up time. Following that, filling the day with rich, living ideas, from bible reading in the morning, listening to classical music during the day, and reading favorite novels after dinner. Our brains feed off these thoughts, and the more consistently we think them, the stronger our neural pathways become. 


Daily Nourishment for the Educator: 

Our children thrive when they are taught by nourished self. This means that as mothers, we also need to feed our hearts and souls with self-care. When we fill ourselves up, and we are pouring from a full cup. Whether it's spending 15 minutes on our favorite novel, taking a warm bath, going out for a walk, or just sitting outside in the sun, these actions can transform the atmosphere of our home, giving us the energy we need to nurture our children.


The Harmony of Discipline and Life:

In the Charlotte Mason way, education is defined by an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life. This means that your homeschool is not just about the environment you create but also the habits you extend to your children and the life-giving ideas you share with them. Using this model, we get to train our brains to focus on possibilities rather than problems. We can build habits of thinking nourishing thoughts, which help in developing an atmosphere conducive to learning and growth.

In conclusion, creating nourishing rhythms and routines in your homeschool revolves around nurturing the atmosphere, building a discipline, and sharing life-giving ideas. While every homeschooling day may look different, the consistency in rhythm and routine fortifies both your children’s ability to learn and your ability to teach. Cherish the journey!

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