Is Your Anger Being Triggered in Your Homeschool?

homeschooling parenting the feast life podcast Jun 24, 2024
The Feast Life
Is Your Anger Being Triggered in Your Homeschool?


Finding Peace Amidst the Chaos: Insights from Amber Lia on Managing Triggers and Transforming Homeschooling

As a homeschooling mom, balancing the demands of teaching, household chores, and personal growth can often feel overwhelming. In a recent episode of The Feast Life, host Julie Ross sat down with Amber Lia, co-author of the influential book Triggers, to discuss practical strategies for managing anger and frustration in motherhood. Amber's journey from a frustrated mom to a calm, faith-driven parent offers invaluable insights for those navigating similar challenges.

  1. Personal Transformation Starts with You

Amber's story begins with a personal realization: managing her triggers and transforming her parenting approach started with her own self-reflection and growth. Initially a teacher, Amber thought she would naturally excel as a calm and collected mom. However, the reality of raising children revealed her own struggles with anger and frustration. By turning to faith, prayer, and practical steps, Amber discovered that true transformation begins with oneself.

She emphasizes the importance of addressing personal triggers through biblical principles and practical actions. For instance, she highlights Proverbs 29:11, which states, "A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back." By focusing on becoming a wise, calm presence in her children's lives, Amber found that her reactions began to change for the better.

  1. Empathy and Grace are Essential

Amber underscores the necessity of approaching both oneself and one's children with empathy and grace. Recognizing that anger and frustration are common emotions that many parents experience can help de-stigmatize these feelings. This understanding opens up pathways for personal growth and healing.

When addressing her triggers, Amber adopted a strategy she calls the "holy pause"—a moment to stop, breathe, and choose a better response. This simple yet powerful technique can help parents manage their reactions and foster a more peaceful home environment.

  1. View Homeschooling Challenges as Opportunities

Homeschooling presents unique challenges, but Amber encourages parents to see these as opportunities for growth and relationship-building. Two common triggers in homeschooling are children resisting schoolwork and sibling rivalry. Amber offers practical advice for both:

  • Children Resisting Schoolwork: Amber suggests reframing this challenge as an opportunity to coach and guide your children. Rather than taking their resistance personally, view it as a chance to understand their needs better and develop creative solutions together.
  • Sibling Rivalry: Emphasizing the importance of honoring one another, Amber encourages families to practice outdoing each other in showing affection and respect. This approach not only improves sibling relationships but also fosters a positive and supportive family dynamic.
  1. Self-Care is Non-Negotiable

One of the most profound insights Amber shares is the importance of self-care for managing emotional triggers and maintaining overall well-being. Her personal health journey, which involved overcoming a sugar addiction and losing 95 pounds, dramatically improved her energy levels and emotional resilience.

Amber's experience underscores the necessity of prioritizing health and wellness. Simple steps such as eating nutritious meals, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, and finding time for physical activity can make a significant difference in a mom's ability to manage stress and stay calm.

  1. Perfection is Not the Goal

Finally, Amber reminds us that perfection is not the goal; rather, it's about yielding to the perfecting work of the Lord. Setbacks are inevitable, but they can be opportunities for growth. By approaching these moments with repentance, grace, and a focus on continual improvement, parents can model emotional regulation and resilience for their children.

Amber encourages moms to recognize their value and take intentional steps toward personal growth. This mindset shift, coupled with practical strategies, can lead to a more peaceful, fulfilling homeschooling journey.

About our guest:

Amber Lia's insights offer a beacon of hope for homeschooling moms navigating the complex landscape of parenting and education. By focusing on personal transformation, approaching challenges with empathy and grace, prioritizing self-care, and embracing the journey of growth, moms can create a life-giving homeschool environment filled with peace, joy, and deep connections.

For more resources and support from Amber Lia, visit her website at, follow her on Instagram and Facebook, and explore her books and coaching services. Together, let's embrace the journey of growth and find peace amidst the chaos.

Resources Mentioned:

Books by Amber Lia:

Online Support and Resources:

  • Amber and Wendy's Facebook group for moms struggling with anger and parenting issues.
  • Amber's website:
  • Video series that complements the parenting books, available at

Social Media:

  • Follow Amber Lia on Instagram: @the.real.amber.lia
  • Follow Amber Lia on Facebook: @therealamberlia

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