Shaping a Mother's Heart: Embracing a Charlotte Mason Education for Yourself

charlotte mason philosophy homeschooling parenting the feast life podcast Sep 03, 2024
The Feast Life
Shaping a Mother's Heart: Embracing a Charlotte Mason Education for Yourself


Shaping a Mother's Heart: Embracing a Charlotte Mason Education for Yourself

In our latest episode of *The Feast Life*, I had the pleasure of chatting with Beth Howard, a fellow homeschool mom and advocate for the Charlotte Mason method. We delved into a topic that resonates deeply with both of us: the importance of mothers giving themselves the same rich, living education that we strive to provide for our children. In this blog post, I want to share some highlights from our conversation and explore how we can all embrace the concept of "mother culture" to nurture our own hearts and minds.

The Journey to Mother Culture

Beth Howard, a Colorado-based homeschool mom, shared her journey from being a "pot schooler" (a term she coined for the early, overly-structured preschool days) to discovering the transformative power of a Charlotte Mason education. Like many of us, Beth initially focused on her children’s education, but she soon realized the value of applying these principles to her own life.

Why Mother Culture Matters

One of the key takeaways from our conversation was the idea that mothers, just like children, need a feast of living ideas to thrive. Charlotte Mason’s philosophy isn’t just about educating children; it’s about nurturing the whole person, regardless of age. This concept of "mother culture" involves actively pursuing beauty, truth, and goodness through activities like reading, nature journaling, and engaging with art and music.

Integrating Learning into Daily Life

Beth offered practical advice on how to integrate learning into our daily routines. Instead of seeing these activities as additional tasks on an already full plate, we can incorporate them into our homeschooling rhythm. For instance, when our children are working on their nature journals, we can join them. When they are reading, we can take that time to read our own books. This not only enriches our lives but also models the joy of lifelong learning for our children.

Building a Book of Centuries

One of the tools Beth mentioned is the Book of Centuries, a visual timeline where we can record historical events, people, and discoveries. This practice helps us see the interconnectedness of history and deepens our understanding of the past. Creating a Book of Centuries isn’t just for our children; it’s a valuable exercise for us as well. By engaging in this activity, we can develop a richer perspective on history and its relevance to our lives today.

Overcoming Burnout and Finding Time for Growth

We all know how challenging it can be to find time for ourselves amid the demands of homeschooling and family life. Beth encouraged us to view personal growth as a non-negotiable part of our lives. She shared her strategy of scheduling short, focused reading sessions and emphasized that even 15-20 minutes a day can make a significant difference. By prioritizing our own education, we not only avoid burnout but also gain the energy and enthusiasm needed to inspire our children.

Pursuing a Wide and Living Education

Beth's approach to reading is both structured and flexible. She schedules her readings across various subjects, ensuring a balanced intake of literature, science, history, and poetry. This method aligns with Charlotte Mason’s emphasis on a broad and varied curriculum. Beth also highlighted the importance of savoring literature, allowing time for the ideas to take root and grow.

Believing in Our Worth

Perhaps the most profound message from our conversation was the affirmation that mothers are worthy of a rich and fulfilling education. We often prioritize our children’s needs and neglect our own. By embracing mother culture, we acknowledge our own worth and invest in our personal development. This not only enhances our homeschooling journey but also enriches our lives in countless ways.

As we navigate the challenges and joys of homeschooling, let’s remember to nurture our own hearts and minds. Embracing a Charlotte Mason education for ourselves is not an added burden but a source of joy and inspiration. By pursuing mother culture, we can become more fulfilled individuals and more effective educators for our children. Let’s commit to feeding our minds with living ideas, exploring the beauty around us, and growing in wisdom and understanding.

About our Guest: 

Beth is a homeschooling mother to two children living in Colorado. She has been following the Charlotte Mason method since her daughter was in kindergarten. As a Charlotte Mason home educator, she has been growing in her own education of the Charlotte Mason method and other educational philosophies. She currently serves the Charlotte Mason homeschool community on Instagram and through writing curriculum on her website Little World Wanderers.


Connect with Beth Howard:

- Instagram: [@littleworldwanderers]

- Website: []

Resources Mentioned:

Edith Hamilton Mythology

From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler

Disappearing Spoon

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