Letting Go in 2025: Perfectionism, Comparison, and Always Trying to Do More

coaching parenting the feast life podcast Jan 06, 2025
The Feast Life
Letting Go in 2025: Perfectionism, Comparison, and Always Trying to Do More



 Three Things I’m Letting Go of in 2025: Perfectionism, Comparison, and Always Trying to Do More

As the new year approaches, I’ve been reflecting on what I want to leave behind in 2024 and what I want to carry forward into 2025. It’s a practice I’ve come to love because it helps me realign my life with what truly matters. This year, three things stood out that I’m letting go of: perfectionism, comparison, and the relentless drive to always do more. These aren’t easy things to release, but I’ve realized how much they’ve stolen my peace, joy, and connection with my family—and I’m ready to let them go.

If you’ve ever felt the weight of trying to do it all or the sting of not measuring up, this post is for you. Let’s explore these three struggles and how we can release them together.


Letting Go of Perfectionism

Perfectionism often whispers, “You’re not enough. If you could just work harder, you’d be better.” As homeschool moms, this voice can be particularly loud. We want our kids to have the best education, our homes to be tidy and welcoming, and our families to thrive. But here’s the truth: the pursuit of perfection doesn’t bring joy—it brings exhaustion.

I’ve found myself caught in this trap too many times. It’s the end of a long day, and instead of resting, I’m replaying everything that didn’t go perfectly. The math lesson that took longer than expected, the unfolded laundry, the dinner that wasn’t picture-perfect. But striving for perfection often stifles growth—both for me and my family. It creates unnecessary tension and robs us of the freedom to learn from mistakes and cherish messy, real-life moments.

This year, I’m learning to embrace imperfection. Good enough is not only okay—it’s often exactly what we need. I’m choosing to see the beauty in the “good enough” moments and to trust that love, not perfection, is what makes a life-giving home.

Letting Go of Comparison

Ah, comparison—that sneaky thief of joy. We live in a world of curated social media feeds and highlight reels, and it’s so easy to look at another mom’s seemingly perfect homeschool and feel like we’re falling short.

But here’s what I’ve realized: no one’s life is perfect. Behind every picture-perfect homeschool setup is a messy middle, late nights, and moments of doubt. When we compare our unfiltered lives to someone else’s polished highlights, we’re not giving ourselves a fair chance. Worse, comparison can create feelings of guilt and shame that disconnect us from the unique path we’re on.

Instead of letting comparison bring me down, I’m learning to approach it with curiosity. When I feel that twinge of envy, I ask myself:

  • What about this resonates with me?
  • Does this reflect my personal values, or is it just noise?
  • What am I already doing well that I can celebrate?

By reframing comparison, we can use it as a tool to reflect on what truly matters instead of letting it steal our joy.

Letting Go of Always Trying to Do More

For years, I believed that doing more would make me feel accomplished. I’d whisper, “Just one more thing,” as I stayed up late folding laundry, tweaking lesson plans, or answering emails. But instead of feeling productive, I woke up exhausted, disconnected, and overwhelmed.

The truth is, doing more doesn’t make us more. In fact, this mindset often comes from fear—fear that we’re not doing enough for our kids, fear of falling behind, or fear of not measuring up. But this fear doesn’t make us better moms. It makes us tired ones.

This year, I’m redefining what “enough” looks like. For me, it’s about showing up fully for the things that truly matter. It’s trusting that I’ve done enough and letting the rest wait. Rest, connection, and presence are far more valuable than checking another task off my to-do list.

Here are three questions I ask myself when I feel the pull of “just one more thing”:

  1. Am I doing this because it’s necessary, or because I’m afraid to stop?
  2. Will this task bring me closer to the life I want to create, or is it just busywork?
  3. What would happen if I trusted myself to let it wait?

Often, I find that the world doesn’t fall apart if I go to bed instead of finishing the laundry. And when I prioritize rest, I’m better equipped to show up for my family the next day.

Moving Forward in 2025

Letting go of perfectionism, comparison, and the pressure to do more isn’t easy. These habits run deep, and releasing them takes intentionality. But it’s worth it. When we let go of these burdens, we create space for what truly matters: connection, peace, and joy.

As you step into 2025, I invite you to reflect on what you can let go of. What’s holding you back? What’s stealing your joy? And how can you create more space for the things that truly matter?

Let’s make this the year we stop striving and start savoring—the year we embrace the beauty of imperfection, celebrate our unique journeys, and trust that we are already enough.

Let’s Connect

I’d love to hear from you! What’s one thing you’re letting go of in 2025? Share your thoughts in the comments or tag me on Instagram @agentlefeast. And don’t forget to grab my free guide, 5 Easy Steps to a Life-Giving Homeschool, for more encouragement and practical tips to create a homeschool that nourishes both you and your children.

Here’s to a peaceful, joy-filled 2025. You’ve got this, mama!

"Discover how to let go of perfectionism, comparison, and overdoing it in 2025. Learn practical tips to create a peaceful, joyful homeschool and embrace what truly matters. Read now!"

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