Homeschooling Through the Holidays

Episode #6

Are you a homeschool mom feeling the weight of the holiday season on your shoulders? Tired of unrealistic expectations and the pressure to create the "perfect" Christmas? 
The holiday season brings a unique blend of festive chaos and the joy of togetherness, which can present both challenges and opportunities for homeschooling families. In this episode, we will encourage you to focus on what truly matters during the busy holiday season. Listen in for heartfelt advice on fostering a love of learning during the holidays, while building precious memories with your family.

In this episode you will learn:
How to create nourishing routines
Why realistic expectations are key
How simple is better
How to show love to each child
How to stop feeling so exhausted and defeated

Looking for ways to bring in learning to holiday activities? Check out the amazing Advent morning time packets from A Gentle Feast. Take a look at our Our Christmas Around the World and A Walk Through the Birth of Christ morning time packets for Advent.

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Today’s episode is sponsored by the award winning Charlotte Mason curriculum A Gentle Feast. Get started with smooth and easy days at 
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